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Travel insurance to Thailand - why is it important to do?

We'll make it really short for you: you don't fly to Thailand without insurance. point. The insurance costs in relation to the price of the trip are negligible and the knowledge that you, your friends and family members are covered in case something goes wrong is worth the peace of mind you really long for - after all, this is why you went on vacation. If you don't have time or desire to read the whole article, you can Just click here and purchase travel insurance online. In any case, it is important that you know that the insurance must be purchased from the country only (insurance purchased from abroad will not be valid) so if you are already set on dates, there is no reason to delay.

Using a passport card and Yanet Insurance Agency Ltd


A vacation in Thailand requires organizing a long (relatively) long time in advance - choosing the dates, choosing the destination in Thailand, finding hotels, flights, attractions and planning the trip. An equally important part of planning a trip to Thailand is taking out appropriate travel insurance. If for a short weekend trip to Europe we settle for generic travel insurance that provides basic insurance, then on a trip to Thailand things look completely different. Traveling to Thailand is usually longer (few people we know who travel for less than 10 days), including several destinations, less routine activities, and all this in a country with much less advanced medical services than those we are familiar with from Europe or Israel. 

Therefore, one of the most important things when planning a trip to Thailand is to take care of travel insurance. This way you can travel with peace of mind, relax and enjoy yourself without fear and take advantage of all the most worthwhile attractions that this beautiful country has to offer. This is a section that really shouldn't be skimped on, and there are many, many reasons to do so. 



travel insurance thailand

All the reasons to purchase travel insurance for Thailand

Different and less familiar physical conditions

Thailand is a country in the Far East and the least developed. This is a third world country, and for the most part the conditions there are completely different from those that the western tourists know from their mother country, including of course the Israelis. This is reflected in food, cleanliness, the unstable climate and various physiological phenomena that may develop as a result of these. These phenomena may lead to the need for high-cost medical treatment for those who are not local, so it is very important that you have an insurance policy that will cover all the necessary costs in case of need, including hospitalization and complex treatments (such as fracture fusion or serious injuries). 

Medical services

If we have already mentioned the medical services, we will emphasize again that they are much less advanced and modern than those we know from Israel, and certainly from other European countries that we are used to visiting frequently. This means that you may have to travel relatively long distances when necessary (Thailand is a huge country) to receive a certain treatment that does not exist where you will be, or does not exist in the country at all. Only extended travel insurance can provide you with the coverage and prevent you from high financial expenses and hassle to find the right place. 

Detection and rescue if necessary

Further to this, the variety of unusual activities and the fact that they are sometimes carried out in places with limited accessibility, may mean that in order to get out of them for medical treatment (or at all) you will need a complex rescue. Cases of access roads being blocked due to the weather or an injury that will limit your movement may happen in a country like Thailand, so it is very advisable to have insurance that includes detection, rescue and rescue in case of need, so you can be sure that in any situation there will be someone to help you. 

Unusual and unconventional activities and attractions

Many of the activities in Thailand (certainly the most enjoyable ones) are less routine and less common in other parts of the world - diving, bungee jumping, Omegas, mountain and cliff climbing, trekking, jeep tours, water and extreme sports, etc. These activities are not included in the basic travel insurance, and require separate coverage through an appropriate extension. The reason for this is of course the risk they entail, which obliges your insurance company to take more risk on its side when it insures you. It is really not recommended to waive these clauses when purchasing the policy. This way you can enjoy everything that the Kingdom of Siam has to offer, which is a lot. 

Theft or loss of equipment

Because it is a huge country, you will find yourself quite a bit traveling (or flying) from place to place, and as with any trip, the transitions are the "soft underbelly" of the vacation, and there is a tendency to forget or lose things and equipment, either through your fault or through the fault of the airlines that sent you your suitcase to another destination. In addition, in a country like Thailand there is also a higher risk that expensive equipment such as a computer, mobile phone or camera will be stolen from you, and beyond the shame of the equipment you will be missing, there should be compensation that at least makes the despair more comfortable. 


Travel insurance to Thailand - go on vacation with peace of mind

For all these reasons, in addition to the usual reasons known to all of us, a vacation in Thailand requires the purchase of travel insurance. Our recommendation is to purchase travel insurance that includes all the necessary extensions you may need during your vacation, so you can be free and spontaneous if you want to do a certain activity and not think about whether you are covered or not. It's not particularly expensive (certainly relative to the cost of the entire trip) and it's important to remember that you can't take out travel insurance after you've left the country. That's why you should close this corner as early as possible, and you can do it right here on the website, online and within a few minutes.

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