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Cheap hotels in Hua Hin

Here are a variety of cheap hotels in Hua Hin for a perfect vacation. We recommend that you hurry and reserve rooms as soon as possible, the ones that are worth it are snapped up quickly. All hotels can be booked immediately. Have a pleasant vacation, come back safely, your perfect vacation starts here:

A 5-star hotel in the Nong Kha area, located 200 m from Hua Hin Beach. Price range: 244 NIS - 1,165 NIS per night. recommended!
A 5-star hotel in the Nong Ka area, located 100 m from Hua Hin Beach. Price range: 443 NIS - 2,027 NIS per night. recommended!
A 4-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 0.2 km from Hua Hin Fishing Pier. Price range: 165 NIS - 576 NIS per night. recommended!
A 4-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 0.3 km from the night market in Hua Hin. Price range: 106 NIS - 218 NIS per night. recommended!
A 3-star hotel in the Nong Kha area, located 100 m from Hua Hin Beach. Price range: 147 NIS - 271 NIS per night.
A 3-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located near Hua Hin Beach. Price range: 164 NIS - 392 NIS per night.
A 2-star hotel in a good location and at an affordable price. Functional rooms and free parking
A 3-star hotel in a convenient location and with pleasant rooms. Also offers a pool, restaurant and gym. Suitable for families
A 3-star hotel within walking distance of the popular Hua Hin Beach. With a pool, spa and restaurants
A 3-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 400 m from Hua Hin Beach. Price range: 72 NIS - 245 NIS per night. recommended!

Hua Hin is one of the cities where tourism is developing year by year and it has hotels and accommodations in a wide range of levels, including cheap hotels suitable for low-budget travelers found in almost all areas of the city. 

The low-budget hotels in Hua Hin offer functional and basic services that are suitable for those who are not looking to spend the whole day in the hotel itself. In most of these places the service will be minimal but a relatively good level of the hotel itself is maintained.

The cheap hotels in Hua Hin are suitable for anyone who travels on a low budget and wants to maintain a certain spending framework, as well as for those for whom the accommodation is nothing more than a function that needs to be fulfilled and is not looking for particularly pampering accommodation. You can find such places on the Simple Thailand website. 

On the Simple Thailand website, we have compiled for you the most recommended hotels, hostels and hostels for low-budget travelers in Hua Hin, with the option of quick and simple booking. These are places that have received many positive opinions from thousands of travelers. 

A 3-star hotel in the Nong Kha area, located 0.2 km from Kikada Hua Hin Market. Price range: 126 NIS - 279 NIS per night. recommended!
A hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 0.2 km from Wat Hua Hin. Price range: 125 NIS - 154 NIS per night. recommended!
A 4-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 2.6 km from Black Mountain Water Park. Price range: 159 NIS - 496 NIS per night. recommended!
A 3-star hotel in the Nong Ka area, located 200 m from Hua Hin Beach. Price range: 141 NIS - 391 NIS per night.
A 3-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 0.5 km from the Cinespace Hua Hin beach mall. Price range: 79 NIS - 356 NIS per night.
A 4-star hotel in the Hua Hin area, located 0.1 km from the Hua Hin bus station. Price range: 164 NIS - 452 NIS per night. recommended!

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