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Cheap hotels in Kofipi

Here are a variety of cheap hotels in Kofipi for a perfect vacation. We recommend that you hurry and reserve rooms as soon as possible, the ones that are worth it are snapped up quickly. All hotels can be booked immediately. Have a pleasant vacation, come back safely, your perfect vacation starts here:

A 4-star hotel in the Ko Phi Phi Don area, located 30 m from Ton Sai Beach. Price range: 166 NIS - 678 NIS per night.
A cheap and comfortable 2-star resort that offers equipped bungalows not far from the beach. with a restaurant and bar
A 3-star hilltop resort overlooking the beach offering accommodation in Bellongos
A 2-star hotel at an affordable price and in a successful area with spacious and comfortable rooms and breakfast
2 star resort with a magical view, in a tropical atmosphere and very affordable prices, in front of a beautiful beach
3 star hotel with bungalows with balconies, 2 minutes walk from the beach. Free Wi-Fi
A resort located in a quiet area of ​​the island offers double accommodation units in a homely atmosphere and at affordable prices
Guest house in Ko Phi Phi Don area, located 0.1 km from Pirate Island Adventures. Price range: 80 NIS - 205 NIS per night. recommended!
A 3-star hotel in the Koh Phi Phi Don area, located 150 m from Lo Dalum Beach. Price range: 103 NIS - 279 NIS per night.
A 3-star hotel in the Ko Phi Phi Don area, located near the Andaman Sea. Price range: 91 NIS - 188 NIS per night.

Hotel HIP Seaview Resort @ Phi Phi

Kofipi is a relatively small but very popular island, so you can find hotels and accommodations in a wide range of levels, including cheap hotels suitable for low-budget travelers found in almost all areas of the island. 

The low-budget hotels in Kofipi offer functional and basic services that are suitable for those who are not looking to spend the whole day in the hotel itself. In most of these places the service will be minimal but a relatively good level of the hotel itself is maintained.

The cheap hotels in Kofipi are suitable for anyone who travels on a low budget and wants to maintain a certain spending framework, as well as for those for whom the accommodation is nothing more than a function that needs to be fulfilled and is not looking for particularly pampering accommodation. You can find such places on the Simple Thailand website. 

On the Simple Thailand website, we have compiled for you the most recommended hotels, hostels and hostels for low-budget travelers in Kophipi, with the option of quick and simple booking. These are places that have received many positive opinions from thousands of travelers. 

A 2-star hotel in the Koh Phi Phi Don area, located 50 m from Lo Dalum Beach. Price range: 65 NIS - 256 NIS per night.
A 2-star hotel in the Koh Phi Phi Don area, located 100 m from Lo Dalum Beach. Price range: 62 NIS - 259 NIS per night.
A 3-star hotel in the Koh Phi Phi Don area, located 150 m from Lo Dalum Beach. Price range: 123 NIS - 357 NIS per night.
A 1-star hotel in the Ko Phi Phi Don area, located next to Pirate Adventures. Price range: 120 NIS - 152 NIS per night.
A guest house in Koh Phi Phi Don area, located 50m from the beach of Lo Bagao Bay. Price range: 81 NIS - 136 NIS per night.
A 3-star hotel in the Krabi Town area, located 150 m from Lo Dalum Beach. Price range: 91 NIS - 220 NIS per night.

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