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Luxury hotels in Khao Lak

Here are a variety of luxury hotels in Khao Lak for a perfect vacation. We recommend that you hurry and reserve rooms as soon as possible, the ones that are worth it are snapped up quickly. All hotels can be booked immediately. Have a pleasant vacation, come back safely, your perfect vacation starts here:

5 star resort with direct access to the beach. With nice rooms, 4 pools and two restaurants. Suitable for families
5 star resort a short walk from Khao Lak beach. With a swimming pool, spa and luxury rooms. Suitable for families
A resort with villas a few steps from the beach. With an amazing sunset view, pool and spa
A luxurious and elegant resort on Bang Niang beach where you can stay in modern and designed rooms. With a pool and spa
A luxury resort located on a secluded beach in a unique natural area and enjoying luxurious rooms and facilities.
A luxury resort near the center of the town, includes luxury accommodation units and enjoys luxurious services and recreational facilities
A luxury resort located near the center of the town that offers extremely comfortable luxury units and a variety of recreational facilities
A resort located on the beach near the town center that offers accommodation cabins in the tropical forest and unique holiday facilities

Khao Lak is a city that has been receiving more and more tourists in recent years, and it has a variety of hotels and accommodations at different levels, including luxury hotels suitable for business people, families and anyone who wants to be pampered to the end on their vacation.

Luxury hotels in Khao Lak provide vacationers with, in addition to a very high level of service, also good meals, facilities of all kinds, such as a gym, spa, and more and other treats, which are only offered in this type of hotel.

Luxury hotels in Khao Lak are suitable for business people, families, individuals, couples and anyone who wants to enjoy a pampering vacation at a high standard. On the site you will find the best of these hotels.

On the Simple Thailand website, we have compiled for you the most recommended luxury hotels in Khao Lek, with the possibility of quick and simple booking. These are places that have received many positive opinions from thousands of travelers. 

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